Reading Programs

Come and Celebrate Smokey the Bear's 80th Birthday!!

January 1 through November 28, 2024!!!

Adventure Begins At the Library!!!

Instructions for the Reading sheets and Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

In our adventure bags each child should have received a called Backyard Scavenger Hunt.  This is a fun scavenger hunt that will take them to different places in town where they can have an adventure or make there own. There will be a rock painted with  these pictures on them at a location (pool, parks, playgrounds, businesses, attractions, ect.). They will also have either the name “Faulk County Library” painted on the back or “FCL”.  If they find these rocks they can mark it on their page.  Those who find all of the rocks can bring in their finished sheets and pick out a prize.

Summer Reading Instructions

If you are just participating in the reading part of the summer reading program then this is what you need to keep track of.

For all the kids who have gotten the bags with the sheets and stickers (Ages 3 to 10) for every 10 titles that you have read you get a sticker.  It doesn’t matter if its the same title 10 times or 10 different titles as long as the child is hearing or reading 10 books they get a sticker.  Now, I know some of the older kids in this littles group are reading chapter books.  If they are right around the 10 years of age mark they are allowed to mark pages.  If they are younger than that, like 9 to 7 for every 80 pages (most chapter books for younger readers are 160 pages total) can count for 2 titles.  I chose 2 titles because these books are usually larger fonts and there are illustrations on some of the pages as well. So for every 10 short or picture books or 5 chapter books they get a sticker on their track sheet that came with their adventure bags.

For everyone 11 or older we are doing page counts.  For the kids who are doing this from 11 to 14 for every 50 pages they read it is a sticker. For 15 to adults it's a hundred. Audio books do count!!! What you can do with an audio book is if you listen to the entire book go on amazon or google search and look up how many pages it is.  That would be your total. If you don’t have a sticker sheet that is fine just get us the amount of pages you have read in the time period (June 1st to August 7th) and we will do the rest.  

We have prizes for the top 3 in each group and the age groups are as follows:

3-6, 7-10, 11-14, and 15 to adults.  The winners will be announced on August 9th and those who won a prize will be able to pick them up August 9th or after. 

Adventure Begins at the Library

(Young Group Wednesday) (Older Group Fridays) Dates :

June 12 & 14 (Library) Painting

June 19 & 21 (Hope's Park) Music

June 26 & 28 (Library)Abstract Painting

July 10 & 12 (Library) Pottery

July 17 & 19 (Library)Theater

July 24 & 26 (City Park) Story Telling/Awards